The RCMIntegationSample project is to demonstrate how to build an ASP.Net project calling methods via Remote Client Manager (RCM). The sample code shows how to execute a PinPad Setup, Prompt for Signature, and a Credit Sales transaction, using GET requests to the RCM. To integrate with RCM, - Build a string for the transaction to execute. See XL2 Interface Guide for supported transactions and how to build this parameter string. - Create an HttpWebRequest, using the URL to RCM, the RCM method to invoke (typically "Initialize"), and param string as a querystring on the url as a value of "xl2Parameters". Be sure to http encode the parameter string. For example: - Set the HttpWebRequest object's Method property to "GET" - Call GetResponse on the HttpWebRequest. The return value will be a WebResponse, from which you can get a Stream and read into a string.