REQUIRED: A 32-bit JRE must be installed for the following to work. Instructions for running JNI (Java Native Interface) integration sample code: 1. Go into ClassLibrary1. Open the Visual Studio C++/CLI solution. 2. Go into project properties and add to additional include directories the paths containing jni.h and jni_md.h. These should reside in your JDK directory. -For example, if the path to your JDK is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101, the paths C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101\include and C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101\include\win32 should contain the headers jni.h and jni_md.h respectively. 3. Manually add reference to installed XpressLink2.dll -Go to solution explorer tab. Click "references" dropdown. -See if XpressLink2 reference is there. If it is delete it. -Right click references and add up-to-date reference to XpressLink2.dll in its installed location. -Right click the XpressLink2 reference under references and go to "properties". -Set "Copy Local" and "Copy Local Satellite Assemblies" to False. 4. Build solution and confirm that ClassLibrary1.dll is produced. 5. Open the Eclipse project in EdgeExpressPCIntegrationJNI. In, make sure the correct path to ClassLibrary1.dll is correct. 6. Go to run configurations. Under environment and JRE settings select the 32-bit JRE to run the program with. 7. Compile and Run the Eclipse project. 8. Attempt a sample transaction. If program crashes, run the latest XpressLink2 installer. Proceed from step 3.