The EdgeExpressPCIntegrationSample solution is to demonstrate how to build a VB6 project referecing XpressLink2.dll using COM to invoke transactions. The sample code shows how to execute a PinPad Setup, Prompt for Signature, and a Credit Sales transaction, using the reference to XpressLink2. To intergate with XpressLink2, With reference: - Add a reference to XpressLink2. (From the VB6 Menu, Project -> References-> Check XpressLink2) - Create an instance of XCharge.XpressLink2.XLEmv. (Set variable = New XpressLink2.XLEmv) Without reference: - Create a variable as an Object type. (Dim variable as Object) - Set variable to instance of XCharge.XpressLink2.XLEmv. (Set variable = CreateObject("XCharge.XpressLink2.XLEmv")) - Build a XML parameter string for the transaction to execute. See XL2 Interface Guide for supported transactions and how to build this parameter string. - Call the Execute method on the instance of the XLEmv object, passing in the parameter string to execute, as well as a string param to be populated with the results for the transaction.