Your One-Click Connection to Prescription Monitoring
The LogiCoy Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Interface in MEDENT lets prescribers check state PMPs with just one click. This saves time as prescribers no longer need to log into a website or manually search for a patient.
What is PDMP?
In response to the opioid epidemic, the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) requires dispensers to submit dispensed drugs to the state-run Prescription Drug Monitoring database. Prescribers are also required to look up the patient’s prescription history before prescribing opioids.
Where Are We?

This interface is available in Illinois, Maryland, California, Washington, Wisconsin, Utah and Kentucky, and some states are covering LogiCoy’s subscription costs. For states that do not cover the cost, the first year is free. After the first year, LogiCoy’s charges will be based on the number of providers in the practice.
MEDENT does not charge for this interface!
LogiCoy's PMP Solutions
Our PMP solutions range from connecting practices to State PMP databases to querying, analyzing, tracking and alerting on prescriptions of specific drug types.