The emerging standard in vaccine storage & handling.

AccuVax Vaccine Management System dramatically improves vaccine storage, guarantees temperature control and enhances patient safety.

Guaranteed Temperature Control

Enhance Patient Safety

Eliminate Waste & Loss

Efficient Workflows

Integrated with MEDENT!

AccuVax is a MEDENT-integrated solution that includes hardware, software, online reports, software updates, training, 24/7 support and maintenance, and industry-leading security.

How does it work?

Send to Accuvax

MEDENT sends the immunization order to AccuVax.

Select the order

The nurse selects from a list of open orders with patient info.

Vaccine dispensed

AccuVax dispenses the specific vaccine(s) ordered from the proper funding source (e.g. VFC, Private, State).

AccuVax Retrieve

Once dispensed, AccuVax sends the following information back to the patient's chart: Vaccine(s) NDC, Lot Number, Expiration Date, Funding Source and Timestamp.

Ready to sign up for MEDENT's AccuVax Interface?