Comprehensive HIPAA Compliance Software

Simple, affordable, automated support for every aspect of HIPAA compliance.

OCR acceptance
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Faster assessments
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Cost savings
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Trusted Partner of MEDENT!

The responsibility to perform a HIPAA Security Risk Analysis falls on the practice. MEDENT has partnered with HIPAA One to help practices achieve compliance with this measure. The HIPAA One software suite is simple, automated and affordable and includes all the necessary components to achieve compliance.

If the practice uses their risk analysis software and is audited by OCR, HIPAA One will guarantee a passing score. Additionally, their team of certified auditors is readily available to answer your questions and provide support.

Make HIPAA Compliance Fast, Easy and Comprehensive

Security Risk Assessments (SRA)

Automate the labor-intensive, error-prone activities of your annual HIPAA security risk assessment with step-by-step guidance via a user-friendly interface.

Privacy/Breach Risk Assessments (PBRA)

Easily assess vulnerabilities of privacy practices and data on all devices, applications, and networks across your organization.

Workforce hipaa compliance training

Access online courses to make effective HIPAA workforce training affordable for small practices and large organizations.

Business Associate Manager (BAM)

Access online courses to make effective HIPAA workforce training Create, organize, and manage vendor contracts within a user-friendly, web-based application to track compliance and stay on top of your contractual obligations.for small practices and large organizations.

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